Pyramid Innovators User Group - Cape Town

this event has been canceled
Fri Apr 21 2023 at 9 AM - 7 PM CEST
Fri Apr 21 2023 at 9 AM - 7 PM CEST
Granger Bay Campus – CPUT, Beach Road, Mouille Point, Cape Town, 8005, South Africa

Due to unforseen circumstances we need to postpone this Event, we will follow up with detailled information as quick as possible.

Pyramid Innovators User Group +
Tech Presentation & Hackathon

Learn from fellow users, network with your peers and hear more about best practices with the Pyramid Decision Intelligence Platform. 

People are talking about decision intelligence. This emerging decision-making discipline is set to change how people, and the organizations they work at, make data-driven decisions.

 Join us at this user group meeting, network with your peers in the area, and learn why Pyramid continues to be a leader in analytics.

To celebrate our first Usergroup in South Africa, we will extend the User Group with a deeper technical Program

Tech Presentation and Hackathon

April 21st 2023 - 10:00 - 15:30 SAST

Pyramid Innovator Usergroup

April 21st 2023 - 16:00 - 19:00 SAST

Granger Bay Campus – CPUT

Beach Road, Mouille Point,

Cape Town, 8005

10:00 Welcome:

10:30 Kick Off - What's New in Pyramid (Features and Hands On)

12:30 Break

13:30 Visualization Hackathon on explore.pyramid

15:30 Break

Agenda - Usergroup


16:00 Welcome

16:05 Dolf Jordaan 
University of Pretoria: Teaching and learning intelligence in Higher Education 

16:35 Update from Pyramid on current Version + Q&A

17:00 Update on Pyramid LMS/Community

17:30 Break

18:00 Natalie-Anne Botha & nicola. lapage
DataOrbis: Data Analytics in Retail and CPG

18:30 Data Science with Pyramid + Q&A

Wrap up and "Pizza and Beer"


Pyramid Analytics - Kelly Lu Murray

University of Pretoria - Dolf Jordaan

DataOrbis - Natalie-Anne Botha

Event Postponed


If you have questions about this event, or would like to host an event in your area, please reach out to community@pyramidanalytics.com



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