Pyramid Innovators User Group - Cape Town

Due to unforseen circumstances we need to postpone this Event, we will follow up with detailled information as quick as possible.
Pyramid Innovators User Group +
Tech Presentation & Hackathon
Learn from fellow users, network with your peers and hear more about best practices with the Pyramid Decision Intelligence Platform.
People are talking about decision intelligence. This emerging decision-making discipline is set to change how people, and the organizations they work at, make data-driven decisions.
Join us at this user group meeting, network with your peers in the area, and learn why Pyramid continues to be a leader in analytics.
To celebrate our first Usergroup in South Africa, we will extend the User Group with a deeper technical Program
Date and Location
Tech Presentation and Hackathon
April 21st 2023 - 10:00 - 15:30 SAST
Pyramid Innovator Usergroup
April 21st 2023 - 16:00 - 19:00 SAST
Granger Bay Campus – CPUT
Beach Road, Mouille Point,
Cape Town, 8005
Agenda - Tech Part
10:00 Welcome:
10:30 Kick Off - What's New in Pyramid (Features and Hands On)
12:30 Break
13:30 Visualization Hackathon on explore.pyramid
15:30 Break
Agenda - Usergroup
16:00 Welcome
16:05 Dolf Jordaan
University of Pretoria: Teaching and learning intelligence in Higher Education
16:35 Update from Pyramid on current Version + Q&A
17:00 Update on Pyramid LMS/Community
17:30 Break
18:00 Natalie-Anne Botha & nicola. lapage
DataOrbis: Data Analytics in Retail and CPG
18:30 Data Science with Pyramid + Q&A
Wrap up and "Pizza and Beer"
Pyramid Analytics - Kelly Lu Murray
University of Pretoria - Dolf Jordaan
DataOrbis - Natalie-Anne Botha
DataOrbis - nicola. lapage
Event Postponed
If you have questions about this event, or would like to host an event in your area, please reach out to