Grand Total: calculation

Hi together,
I have built a simple table via Discover and created a quick calc: percentage growth between 2018 and 2015.
If I now activate "Row Totals" via the Discover Ribbon, the sum for the quick calc shows the aggregated value from the rows above.
Instead of this, I want the Grand Total (%-Value) to be calculated for the Grand Total Row itself, so it shows the correct value.
How can I achieve this?
Thanks for your help, best regards
4 replies
Before diagnosing this in great detail, check the following: the total option you chose was it "SUM" or "AGGREGATE" in the dialog box. If it is sum, change it to "aggregate" - which will sum the values properly with the division logic.
Turn on the "Overwrite Solver Order" and set it to something bigger than 0. It defaults to 1000.
This should resolve the problem.
For future note, we continue to investigate techniques on how to detect these scenarios automatically so the query engine makes the changes on its own. As you can imagine, the query and calculation permutations are enormous, so finding a smart heuristic is challenging.
Your solution is working!
Thanks for helping out, Avi Perez - fast and targeted help as always!