Publication Subject - Bold
Hi , Can we make the publication / subscription subject name to bold ? Please refer the image below Please guide. Regards, Aaron Y
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Sub Total Color Formatting - to be exported in Excel
Hi Team, Need your help on getting color formatting on sub totals and same to be exported with color to the excel. Please guide how we can achieve the same.…
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How can we give a specific colour to Subtotals in a schema?
Hi, I found this older discussion in the Q&As, https://community.pyramidanalytics.com/t/g9hqrlc/how-can-we-identify-which-part-of-a-theme-to-change can anyone please guide where we can give color to…
- Answered
How to show URL icons in matrix grid?
Hello, I have a requirement to show URL icons in matrix grid. I am able to show URL's under question as URL after doing MAX of the URL value but i need to show it as URL icons.…
- Answered
Applying conditional formats (colors) to elements for particular columns
Hello , Can you please help us on having color formatting to different elements in the column as shown in the screenshot? Regards, Aaron Y
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