Weighted Product Distribution %
Good morning, I hope that someone can assist us with calculating a product's weighted distribution in Pyramid. Weighted Distribution % = The Total Value of the Customers that buy a Product (where…
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How to: Creating a Custom Column to create a new attribute
How to: Creating a Custom Column to create a new attribute In this usage of Custom Column, a new feature for Pyramid 2023, we will create a new column that represents the Domain of an email address…
How to: Create a dynamic set of dates
Question: How to create a dynamic set of dates During a recent discussion we got asked how to create a dynamic set of dates. There are two approaches to the tasks,…
Find Difference between two dates
Hi All, We need to find difference between two date dimensions present in our model. Is it possible to do it using formulate?
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How to: Display Daily Data in a Calendar View
How to: Display Daily Data in a Calendar View When you are working with Daily Data it will sometimes make sense to display the information in a Calendar view.…
How to build Dynamic Today, current month, Previous Month etc. in Pyramid Formulate
How to build Dynamic Today, current month, Previous Month etc. in Formulate Get Dynamic Dates Using Formulate Wizard. To make the access on the latest information,…
Learning Live: Formulate - 5 common business calculations
About this Video: This video we cover how to use the Formulate Module to complete five simple common business calculations. Each Example is completed with a live demo Content:…
NEW: Explore Pyramid - monthly Data Challenge Environment
Trickle your Brain and keep Learning Right before the Weekend, we are happy to give you the exclusive chance to start playing with the brand new Explore Pyramid Environment and begin your first…
How to add subtotals for % Values to sum up to 100% in the category
Question: How to add subtotals for % to sum up to 100% for the category In a recent internal discussion we came across this question and wanted to share the solution to a broader audience.…
Tip of the Day - Dynamic dimensions and measures
How to create dynamic dimensions and measures that can be exchanged This tip & trick has been provided by @Michael Daun who created this solution while working on a project What to we want to achieve…
Learning Live: Creating Custom Visuals
About this Video: Pyramid offers a broad variety of visualizations out of the Box in Discover. In some cases there are specific visualizations that are better to explain the data set in question.…
Learning Live 2024: Pyramid 2023 Update
About this Video: In this Episode of Learning Live we will give you an update and overview of the new features and improvements that have been included in the Product since the launch of Pyramid…
How can I get the count of days for every month using Formulate (Custom column)?
I need to get the count of days in each month using the custom column option in a formula or any other ways in Discover. Does anyone have a solution for this?
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How to add a Custom Visual
How to add a Custom Visual Pyramid offers a broad spectrum of standard visualizations that are available to users in the Discover App. In order to include additional visualizations,…
Why are my formulas not showing up
I have a handful of formulas that execute successfully in a Public Content folder. However, in Discover, only 2 of them show up Even if it is a blank discover panel.…
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Learning Live: PQL Masterclass Vol 1
About this Video: This video is the first of two sessions that cover the Pyramid Query Language (short PQL) in detail. With PQL you have additional possibilities to influence the results of your…
Creating a dynamic parameter for a date range
Hi Everyone, I am trying to figure out a solution for the following issue. We have a contract with a start date and and a end date dimension. We want to select the active contracts within a year.…
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How to build a Tree Map Chart with Measure
How to build a Tree Map Chart with Measure Tree Maps are a powerful visualization if well used and understood. Using Grouping and Measures we are able to create very insightful Tree Map Charts.…
YTD and Prior YTD Measures
Desired Outcomes: I want to perform month-over-month analysis, comparing prior year-to-date (PYTD) figures with current year-to-date (CYTD) figures, and calculate the difference for each month.…
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Calculation based on Date Filter Range
I am looking for a calculation of a value divided by month; however, the number of months is dynamic depending on the overall date range that the user has set.…
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Learning Live: The Hub and Personalized Dashboards
About this Video: In this video we give you overview about a new feature in the platform: 'The Hub'. These Hub provides a method to display individual content when users log into the platform -…
How to use Measure Lists and Parameters
How to use Measure Lists and Parameters Working with the more advanced functionalities of Discover can be seen as daunting, but don’t be afraid. Use the Tips & Tricks series to give you a quick way…
In reports when working with values using formulate we are able to replace the null values . In the given scenario we need to replace the empty values .…
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Ordering the Months
Currently when I am displaying the MonthName field it defaults to showing me the names in alphabetical order. How do I fix this to show me the regular order (January, February, March, April, May,…
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Learning Live: Custom Columns
About this Video: In this video we give you overview about our new feature in Discover: Custom Columns. From the inital problem that is solved with them,…